Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2012!

I hope you've had a great holiday season and blessed Christmas with people you love.  I'm thankful for the week of special time with family in beautiful British Columbia!  And I went ahead and carbo-loaded for all of 2012! 

Speaking of 2012, it's off to a great start already!!!
I got a job doing tax work with a small CPA firm in the area - so here's to employment!

It was super sweet, T's entire family was very excited and supportive of my new job!  Grandma even got me a special cake!

AND, T took me out to a special congratulatory dinner - Suika.  I would say Suika tops Momofuku in NYC!  It was that amazing!  (pictures to come...)

I've never been a 'new year's resolutions' type person, but this year I decided to set some goals for the next 2 years.  I feel overwhelmed when I think about accomplishing these goals, but I know I'll get there!
  • Become a homeowner
  • Take & pass the CPA
  • Do yoga more regularly
  • Gain elite status on Yelp